More than every second employee in open office environments feels so strongly affected by noise and disturbances that they lose up to two hours of efficient working and productivity every workday, a recent Canadian study reports. Read more
The digital marketing world just left a splendid decade with staggering innovation, heartbreaking pace and groundbreaking results. Take a look at the trend predictions for the start of the 2020s Read more
The activity-based office defines the future work environment. Still, too many companies are designing too many not well thought out flex spaces unable to balance and support employees' activities. Read more
Still more office workers strive to work from home a day or more a week, still more employers and digitalisation grant their employees this opportunity - but do you have the right sufficient psyche and discipline to work remotely? Read more
The tremendous rise of the flexible office space market, including the coworking revolution, is rounding off another record-breaking year - however, a significant number of flex office users yet seems to prefer the privacies of the conventional office. Read more
Your family back home may already communicate closely with Apple´s Siri, Google Assistant or Amazon´s Alexa. At this moment, all these voice-activated personal assistants are eager to enter your workplace also and make your office spaces even smarter. Read more
Global researches and forecasts all agree: Within the next four years, flexible workspaces are to grow by more than 50%. Increasingly businesses across the world are looking for a coworking or flexible office space. Read more
Still, more companies are integrating natural green walls into their office space and sustainable corporate profile as well. The green surfaces bring harmony, well-being, fresh air, social value and much more to your modern workplace. Read more
Join 800 dedicated coworkers from 50 countries at the Coworking Europe 2019 Conference - one of the world's largest and most influencial coworking events - taking place Nov 13-15 in Warsaw Poland. Read more
The MatchOffice Industry Survey 2019 shows how the commercial real estate market of Europe maintains its momentum and optimistic outlook on continued growth due to the coworking concept´s huge rise and overwhelming success. Read more