Client Survey 2019: Dedicated coworkers and flex office users still stick to private spaces

Client Survey 2019: Dedicated coworkers and flex office users still stick to private spaces

Steen Uno
The tremendous rise of the flexible office space market, including the coworking revolution, is rounding off another record-breaking year - however, a significant number of flex office users yet seems to prefer the privacies of the conventional office.
Steen Uno

Steen Uno

Due to the victorious breathtaking rise of the coworking concept, the market for flexible office solutions at the corporate workplace is rounding off another dynamic record-breaking year with global growth rates of up to 20%. 

At the end of 2019, the global total of flexible workspaces will pass 30,000 (expected 50,000 by 2022), the global total of coworking spaces 19,000 (expected 26,000 by 2026).

Nevertheless, several surveys, in-depth studies and research claim that surprisingly high percentages of flex office users would prefer to work from conventional offices or at least spaces designed with private zones, pods, etc..   

According to the new annual MatchOffice Client Survey 2019, the popularity of flexible office space continues to grow, gaining 63% of new tenants. But at the same time, 54% of the respondents still stick to the privacy of a conventional office (50,4% in 2017).

Personalised spaces

"In the global markets, commercial real estate experts agree that the demands for flexible office space will continue to generate significant growth up through the next decade. The coworking wave will definitely carry on to unfold huge future potentials.

The next stages of flex office designs, however, will show corporates starting to implement individual workstations. In the future, we will see even more personalized spaces alias activity-based environments with interacting coworking areas mixed with private work options, quiet zones, pods, etc.," MatchOffice CEO Jakob Dalhoff foresees.  


The majority of respondents seem to give still higher preferences to the privacy of
conventional offices and cubicles. Graphic: MatchOffice Client Survey 2019


These years, tailored activity-based workspaces are in tremendous progress - probably as counter-reaction to the last decades´ many thousands of new open-plan offices, which are often heavily criticized for their noise levels and disturbing atmosphere.

And the new Client Survey 2019 underlines that the user demands for separate office places remain massive - currently 54% compared to 50,4% in 2017.  

Competitive market

For the fifth consecutive year, MatchOffice publishes the Client Survey conducted among clients of European flexible workspaces. This annual report bases on analytical material from 1,055 office managers valuing their current office environment. 

"With competition on the market being higher than ever, serviced office providers are focusing increasingly on the needs and well-being of the tenants," Jakob Dalhoff states. 


53% of the MatchOffice Client Survey respondents consider conference facilities to
be one of the most important assets when choosing their flexible office workspace.
                                                                                                                             Photo: iStock


"To succeed in this highly competitive and dynamic market, office providers strive to present high-tech workspaces with activity-based design to minimize customer effort and enhance the tenant experience.

Today, also large companies turn to utilize flexible offices as a long-term solution and viewing space as a service. Corporations can benefit greatly from the economy and agile working that flexibility is ready to provide."

Location and price

According to MatchOffice Client Survey 2019, the main factor for companies to choose their workspace remains its location (84%). 64.8% motivated their decision by pricing, while a little over 41% appreciate attractive office design.

53% of this year´s survey respondents consider conference facilities among the most essential services in their flexible office spaces, 59% prioritize cleaning and maintenance. while 48% appreciate effective reception services.  ●


MatchOffice Client Survey 2019 

Read more:
MatchOffice Industry Survey 2019
MatchOffice Client Survey 2018
MatchOffice Survey Report 2018
MatchOffice Client Survey 2017
MatchOffice Survey Report 2017
MatchOffice Client Survey 2016
MatchOffice Client Survey 2015 Employees want personal space — not an open office Many flexible office users would prefer to work in conventional space



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